Mon 20 - Fri 24 October 2014 Portland, Oregon, United States
Wed 22 Oct 2014 10:30 - 12:00 at Salon H - Tutorial 2: Rust Programming Language

Rust is a new programming language targeting systems-level applications. Rust offers a similar level of control over performance to C++, but guarantees type soundness, memory safety, and data-race freedom. One of Rust’s distinguishing features is that, like C++, it supports stack allocation and does not require the use of a garbage collector. In this tutorial, we will cover the fundamentals of writing Rust programs and understanding how its type system works.

Nicholas Matsakis is a senior researcher at Mozilla research.  He focuses on safe support for parallelism in programming languages. He is currently working on the Rust programming language as well as Parallel JavaScript.

Wed 22 Oct

Displayed time zone: Tijuana, Baja California change

10:30 - 12:00
Tutorial 2: Rust Programming LanguageTutorials at Salon H
Rust - Zero-cost safety
Nicholas Matsakis Mozilla Corporation