Registered user since Sat 14 Mar 2015
I am a Professor in the Computer Science Department at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY.
Andrew received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT in 1999.
His research interests include computer security, programming languages, and distributed and persistent programming systems. His work on computer security has focused on practical, sound, expressive languages and systems for enforcing information security. The Jif programming language makes it possible to write programs which the compiler ensures are secure. The Polyglot extensible compiler framework has been widely used for programming language research.
Myers is an ACM Fellow. He has received awards for papers appearing in POPL’99, SOSP’01, SOSP’07, CIDR’13, and PLDI’13.
Myers is currently co-Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Computer Security and serves on the editorial board of ACM Transactions on Computer Systems. He has also served on the editorial board of ACM Transactions on Information and System Security and was program chair of 2009 IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium and the 2010 IEEE Symposium on Computer Security Foundations. He is a past member of the DARPA ISAT study group.
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