The ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH) embraces all aspects of software construction and delivery to make it the premier conference at the intersection of programming, languages, and software engineering. SPLASH 2014 will take place 20-24 October 2014 in Portland, Oregon, United States at the Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront Hotel.
The conference is now over see you in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States for SPLASH 2015!
Invited Speakers

Upgrade Programming for Mobile Cloud
Gul Agha

Invited Talk: Applying Software Engineering Principles to Computational Science
Jeff Carver

Invited Talk: Automatic and Precise Program Analyses for Reliable and Efficient Concurrency
Michael Pradel
Invited Talk: Dependence Programing with CnC
Frank Schlimbach
Stephen Chong gives a talk
Keynote 1: Stephen Chong

Extensibilty for the masses
William Cook

Invited Talk: Design Goals of the Smallest Federated Wiki
Ward Cunningham

Invited Talk: Avoiding the software development apocalypse through continuous build and test
Eric Forsberg

Privacy and Security in a Networked World
Steven D. Fraser, Djenana Campara, Michael Fanning, Gary McGraw, Kevin Sullivan

Invited talk: Why do we know so little about programming languages, and what would have happened if we had known more?
Stefan Hanenberg
Invited Talk: Anish Karmarkar (Oracle)
Anish Karmarkar
Caspar gives a keynote.
Keynote 2: Caspar Bowden

Invited Speaker: A Brief, Opinionated History of the API
Josh Bloch

Elm: Functional Reactive Programming for Front-End Applications
Evan Czaplicki

Upcoming Concurrency Libraries in Java
Doug Lea
Co-Located Events
- ACM SIGAda’s Annual International Conference High Integrity Language Technology (HILT)
(Saturday 18 October - Tuesday 21 October) - Multicore Parallel Programming Summer School
(Friday 17 October - Sunday 19 October) - Inspirations @ SPLASH Student Event (Friday 24 October - Saturday 25 October)