Mon 20 - Fri 24 October 2014 Portland, Oregon, United States

The Workshop on Future Programming (FP) at SPLASH 2014. Attendance at this workshop is by invitation only, no walk-ins are allowed.

Call For Submissions

See the following web site for further information on Future Programming 2014: http://www.future-programming.org

Attendance at this workshop is by invitation only, no walk-ins are allowed.

The Future Programming Workshop is being run as a set of writers’ workshops. A writers’ workshop is a formal process in which authors of works constructively comment on each others’ work. A writers’ workshop requires a significant amount of preparation. Moreover, the process works because each person in the workshop is an author whose work will be critiqued at some point. This is why the workshop is closed.

FPW will workshop ten videos, each demonstrating a new programming, software development, or pedagogical idea.

The output of this workshop will be a set of revised videos.