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Felix Wolf is head of the Laboratory for Parallel Programming at the German Research School for Simulation Sciences in Aachen and a full professor at RWTH Aachen University, where he teaches parallel programming. His research concentrates on parallel programming tools. In particular, Wolf is a principal designer of the performance-analysis tool Scalasca, which is installed at numerous HPC centers around the world and which has been successfully applied to optimize academic and industrial codes. Wolf has published more than 90 refereed articles in journals and conference or workshop proceedings. He has obtained research funding from European and American funding agencies including BMBF, DFG, DOE, EU, Helmholtz Association, and NSF. He was the primary organizer of the international EuroPar 2013 Parallel Processing conference in Aachen, Germany. He is responsible for the reviewing process. Contact him at f.wolf@grs-sim.de.
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