SPLASH 2014 (series) / Floreal Morandat

Registered user since Wed 28 Jan 2015
Name:Floreal Morandat
Since september 2012, I have an associate professor position at ENSEIRB-MATMECA and in the SE group of the LaBRI in Bordeaux, France.
From march 2011 to august 2012, I had a post-doctoral fellow position in the S^3 research group at Purdue University (West-lafayette (IN) USA) under the supervision of Jan Vitek.
I defended my Ph.D. Thesis in december 2010 at the LIRMM (Université de Montpellier II/CNRS, France). I was part of the D’OC research group (actually nowadays it’s MaREL) under the supervision of Roland Ducournau.
Research interests: programming languages, virtual machines, compilation/interpretation, language specification & evaluation
Personal website: http://www.labri.fr/perso/fmoranda/
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