Mon 20 - Fri 24 October 2014 Portland, Oregon, United States
Martin Purvis

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Name:Martin Purvis

Professor Martin Purvis is the Director of the Software Engineering and Collaborative Modelling Laboratory, a centre for research in distributed information systems, agent-based software engineering, workflow and process modelling, distributed knowledge discovery systems, and broadband network communications. He has been principal investigator on a number of externally-funded research projects and is the Principal Investigator of the Global Network Interconnectivity project funded by the Tertiary Education Commission. He is the Director of both the Telecommunications and Software Engineering programmes in Applied Science and is the former head of the Information Science Department. His teaching activities involve both telecommunications and software engineering.

Country:New Zealand
Affiliation:University of Otago
Research interests:oftware engineering, distributed information systems, process modelling, advanced computational architectures, narrative modelling and mobile games, computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), and applications of spatial information systems.


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