Registered user since Thu 22 May 2014
Dr. Tyrone W A Grandison is the CEO of Proficiency Labs International, which specializes in supporting organizations design, build and evaluate privacy and security solutions for their systems. He is one of the managing partners of METIS, Inc. - a services company that specializes in solving organizational problems. He co-founded woyhd.org, a service to help consumers to determine the privacy awareness of mobile healthcare apps. He is the co-founder of Hipaantrepeneurs, a service to help healthcare professionals with compliance with healthcare law. He is one of the founding chairs of the Diversity in Privacy and Security Seminar (Di-PaSS) series, which seeks to increase the number of minority professionals and researchers in the privacy and security space. He is a founding partner of Wonder Women Hacks, which is a hackathon dedicated to increasing the number of women in tech, providing a support system for female technologists and helping to solve issues relevant to women. He is a founding partner of Hacks for Humanity (a collaboration with Arizona State University’s Project Humanities), which seeks to develop technology to reconnect people to their humanity. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Technology in Kingston, Jamaica. Dr. Grandison was the CTO/co-founder of EqualityTV, where he lead the platform and technical strategy initiatives. More information at http://www.tyronegrandison.org/bio.html.
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